DIY Spray Painted Concrete Planters

DIY Spray Painted Concrete Planters

DIY Spray Painted Concrete Planters

Concrete planters are very actual for modern décor because they are cool, simple and minimalist. We’ve already made some, and here’s one more stylish idea. Prepare a carton, 2 parts of quick-drying cement, 1 part water, a bowl, a spoon, masking tape, spray paint, scissors, a toilet paper roll and pebbles. Open and clean the... 
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Chic DIY Marble Air Plant Holder

Chic DIY Marble Air Plant Holder

Chic DIY Marble Air Plant Holder

Don’t you think that marble has a luxurious and chic look? You can get this look for your air plants for just a couple of dollars – just look the tutorial that Whydontyoumakeme blog had shared! Prepare two different colored oven-bake clays, an Xacto knife and a clay carving tool. Start by cutting each color... 
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DIY Styrofoam Cone Succulent Planters

DIY Styrofoam Cone Succulent Planters

DIY Styrofoam Cone Succulent Planters

These cool colorful cone planters are designed as a summer display. The supplies are styrofoam cones, scalpel, wooden skewers, paint, dirt, symmetrical succulents, string, hot glue guns. Use your scalpel to carve out a well in the middle of the base of the cone. Take your wooden skewer and push it through the bottom of... 
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Cheerful DIY Color Blocked Wood Vases

Cheerful DIY Color Blocked Wood Vases

Cheerful DIY Color Blocked Wood Vases

Color blocking is one of the hottest décor trends right now, so we offer you to make these cool color blocking vases that Sarahhearts blog had shared. You’ll need adhesive wood sheets, glass cylinder vases, craft paint and painter’s tape.  Cut the wood sheet to fit the height and circumference of your vase. Just wrap... 
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