Spring is here! It’s time to change yourself and everything around you with that special spring charm. Let’s make these spring-inspired planters for your herbs! The supplies are a plain white tea-cup, floral napkins, decoupage glue, a brush, scissors. First, carefully cut out the floral pattern from the napkin about 3/4 of your cup of...
Concrete planters are very actual for modern décor because they are cool, simple and minimalist. We’ve already made some, and here’s one more stylish idea. Prepare a carton, 2 parts of quick-drying cement, 1 part water, a bowl, a spoon, masking tape, spray paint, scissors, a toilet paper roll and pebbles. Open and clean the...
Geometric shapes are cool, trendy and suitable for many modern interiors, both feminine and masculine. We’ve told you a lot about various geometric decorations, and today we’ll have a look at vases. It’s almost spring and I’m sure that flowers will be one of the main decorations during this and next season, so a cool...
Geometric designs are getting more and more popular, and a couple of such furniture pieces and decorations will make your home super trendy. I’ve rounded up the easiest and the most necessary decorations that every home may need – planters! Geometric planters and pots are an awesome idea for anyone, they are easy to make,...
Painting and restyling usual vases and pots is one of the most popular crafts as it’s super easy and you can get a very personalized piece. Let’s take terracotta pots and turn them into cool and eye-catching ones! You’ll need planters, white spray paint, grey and yellow acrylic paint, paper tape, a black permanent marker...
Don’t you think that marble has a luxurious and chic look? You can get this look for your air plants for just a couple of dollars – just look the tutorial that Whydontyoumakeme blog had shared! Prepare two different colored oven-bake clays, an Xacto knife and a clay carving tool. Start by cutting each color...
These colorful bottles can become a great art piece or a super creative centerpiece for any occasion. The supplies are an empty wine bottle, 1 cup Baking soda, a bucket and hot water for removing labels, white enamel spray paint, rubbing alcohol, Mod Podge in Gloss, foam brushes, tissue paper. To get started, first you...
These cool colorful cone planters are designed as a summer display. The supplies are styrofoam cones, scalpel, wooden skewers, paint, dirt, symmetrical succulents, string, hot glue guns. Use your scalpel to carve out a well in the middle of the base of the cone. Take your wooden skewer and push it through the bottom of...
Color blocking is one of the hottest décor trends right now, so we offer you to make these cool color blocking vases that Sarahhearts blog had shared. You’ll need adhesive wood sheets, glass cylinder vases, craft paint and painter’s tape. Cut the wood sheet to fit the height and circumference of your vase. Just wrap...
Geometrical pieces are amazingly trendy, so let’s make some cute little planters in such shapes. To make them you’ll need clay, a marker or something to make a hole, magnets, acrylic paint, tools to smooth and cut. Here are some notes: if you let the clay dry for a few hours before you start cutting...