Stylish DIY Black-And-White Vase

Stylish DIY Black-And-White Vase

Stylish DIY Black-And-White Vase

If you want to make a simple and stylish vase, it won’t take you much time and much money. The supplies are a bottle of Perrier, a flat razor blade, goo gone, white spray paint, a paint pen that is made to use on glass and ceramics. The craft is really simple – start from... 
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DIY Skull Planters Decoration

DIY Skull Planters Decoration

DIY Skull Planters Decoration

Plants and flowers are in the limelight in spring, and of course so are the planters. Everybody is looking for his or her own way to be original, to make unusual pieces. In Tucson, Az, there is a special holiday named Day of the Dead celebrated every year. The traditional gifts and decorations are human... 
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How To Decorate A Vase With Petals

How To Decorate A Vase With Petals

How To Decorate A Vase With Petals

How can you turn a usual vase without decorations into an amazing spring piece? Rather simple. Add some decorations to it like these petals or flowers, the shape is up to you. You’ll need a vase, some clay, some adhesive and different tools for shaping the petals. You may different ones to make a perfect... 
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DIY Stacked Planters With Inscriptions For Your Home, Sweet Home

DIY Stacked Planters With Inscriptions For Your Home, Sweet Home

DIY Stacked Planters With Inscriptions For Your Home, Sweet Home

Decorating your garden or just bringing some nature to your home is necessary in spring. For these 3 planters with inscriptions you’ll need 3 terracotta pots, 2-3 plastic pots-when turned upside-down, tray, outdoor paint, 2 brushes-one for overall coverage, a smaller detail brush to apply the lettering painter’s tape, a drill, an exacto knife and... 
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