There are many ways to create a garden even if you don’t have space for that. For example, a hanging garden, mobile and convenient in using – what can be better? Take tin cans, clothesline, spray paint, a hammer and some nails. First make holes in the cans using a drill. Punch holes not only...
There are thousands of ideas to make an original vase, here is one more. Make a vase of a usual latex balloon! How? You can attach a colorful balloon inside a usual transparent glass vase or do like here – put on kind of a stand of plastic or cardboard. The cool detail is colorful...
As it’s almost summer we all want a garden – it doesn’t matter if it’s big or a small one, on your window sill. For a hanging garden you’ll need herb plants, a chain, S hooks, tins and organic soil. First of all make holes in the tins; take Rustoleum Metallic silver spray paint and...
Concrete is a fashionable material as it’s casual and looks rough, stylish and industrial, many designers make their creations of concrete – for example, a bathroom shelf. We have already told you how to make concrete planters and bowls, now here are concrete block for succulents. You’ll need some concrete pieces, adhesive – just glue...
What can be more casual and stylish than pieces made of concrete? This is truly material of minimalist style. It’s not difficult to make some pots yourself. The supplies are a bag of concrete, some sand, perlite, water, assorted plastic containers with relatively straight walls, a bucket, a box cutter or X-Acto Blade, a sturdy...
If you want to make some flower pots yourself and hesitate about the material, choose clay because it’s a very flexible and easy to craft material. How to make a clay pot? You’ll need a knife, some oven-bake clay, a rolling pin, non-stick baking paper, a ruler, house template printed and cut out and a...
How can you make a surprise for your Mom for Mother’s Day? Easily! If she likes gardening, you can decorate the watering cans or make this pretty pot for her. You won’t need much – just a terracotta pot, some Mod Podge, a brush and some cute fabric. The craft itself means wrapping your pot...
Here’s one more idea of a cool and original planter handmade. The design would remind you of Chevron. So, after constructing the main box frame from cedar and redwood, take the remains from various projects or building something. You can take the colored ones or just use the usual ones and paint them after constructing....
Mother’s Day is close so we offer you a fantastic idea of a decoration or a centerpiece of beautiful vintage cups and herbs. You’ll need vintage teacups, some potting soil and herbs. Place the herb you’ve chosen inside teacup. Fill with potting soil. Such a decoration creates a very spring-like mood and if you plant...
The green season is going on and plants and greenery make us happy, they bring a feeling of spring and coming summer. Here’s one more inspiration for this marvelous season. Let’s make some terra cotta pots covered with moss. You’ll need: Modge Podge or glue, terra cotta pots, a sponge brush, moss, a shallow baking...