17 DIY Edible And Non-Edible Playdough Recipes

17 DIY Edible And Non-Edible Playdough Recipes

Playdough is great sensory toy for kids, they can create lots of various shapes and realize a thousand of ideas while developing their fine motor skills. The coolest thing about playdough of any kind is that you can easily make it yourself using ingredients that are safe and even make it edible! There’s a type... 
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9 DIY Crafts For Your Kids’ Play Kitchens

9 DIY Crafts For Your Kids’ Play Kitchens

Whether you have boys or girls, most of them will love playing with a play kitchen! Making play pancakes, pizza and other food and inviting friends to have fun there – what can be better than that for your children? If you want to make some accessories for a play kitchen that your kids have,... 
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19 Adorable Halloween DIYs For Toddlers And To Make With Toddlers

19 Adorable Halloween DIYs For Toddlers And To Make With Toddlers

We’ve just shared some amazing ideas for kids’ Halloween crafts, and today I’d like to be more specific and share some ideas for parents of toddlers. If you have a toddler or several ones by your side, you are very happy! This is one of the cutest times in the life of your child, and... 
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20 Coolest Halloween DIYs To Make With Kids

20 Coolest Halloween DIYs To Make With Kids

There’s just a month left before Halloween, and it’s high time to organize some kids activities, make some funny decorations and craft some spooky treats. Today’s roundup is dedicated to different Halloween DIYs – to make them for kids, with kids and have fun on this special day. The roundup includes spooky and tasty treats... 
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11 Creative DIY Halloween Games For Kids

11 Creative DIY Halloween Games For Kids

Halloween is in a month, and everyone who’s organizing parties this year is puzzling over decor, treats and other things connected with parties. Activities and games are among the points that you need to think over, and today’s roundup will help you: here are DIY Halloween games for kids’ parties. Here’s  a super fun activity…pumpkin... 
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9 DIY Preschool Kids’ Crafts For Halloween

9 DIY Preschool Kids’ Crafts For Halloween

Halloween is approaching, and it’s high time to think over organizing parties, what to wear ad what to serve. If you have kids, you should think what to create together with them or for them and how to help them celebrate this special holiday. Today we are sharing a bunch of cool preschool kids’ crafts... 
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11 Adorable DIY Toddler Crafts For Fall

11 Adorable DIY Toddler Crafts For Fall

Fall is almost here, and it’s time to craft something seasonal. If you have toddlers, craft something together with them and have fun! Here are some ideas to realize and enjoy the fall together with your children. Hues of red, orange, yellow, and brown mix with what is left of the green leaves. There’s just... 
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9 DIY Nursery Wall Art Pieces That You’ll Love

9 DIY Nursery Wall Art Pieces That You’ll Love

A nursery is the first space for your kid, he or she will spend much time there, and it should be safe, functional and cute-looking. Today I’d like to share some ideas to make any nursery cooler: this roundup is dedicated to DIY nursery artworks. There are printables, all of them require some crafting but... 
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10 DIY Crafts To Teach Your Kids The Alphabet

10 DIY Crafts To Teach Your Kids The Alphabet

Do you have small kids? Sooner or later you’ll have to help your kid or kids learn the alphabet, this is essential. How to help your children do that with fun and without too much effort? Here are some crafts that will help to memorize the letters, make some! These funny colorful 3D letters will... 
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