11 DIY Water And Sand Tables For Outdoor Kids’ Play

11 DIY Water And Sand Tables For Outdoor Kids’ Play

Summer is here and it’s time for your kids to play outdoors enjoying fresh air and sunshine, and if you are looking for options to keep them busy, we have a brilliant idea – make a water or sand table or both! A sand or a water table is a wonderful outdoor toy for sensory... 
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9 Bright And Fun DIY Summer Slime Recipes

9 Bright And Fun DIY Summer Slime Recipes

Summer is coming! It’s high time to craft something for it and today we are sharing some recipes of summer slime for your kids – make some bright slime to entertain your children! Slime is so cool as it develops creativity and fine motor skills, and you can make your own slime yourself incorporating things... 
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9 Cutest DIY Easter Candy Holders

9 Cutest DIY Easter Candy Holders

Easter is a cozy holiday for adults and kids, and we all spoil the latter with delicious desserts, chocolate eggs and candies. How to pack candies right to make them a cool gift for your kid and other children that come? Here are some simple tutorials. These cute root vegetables look perfectly at home in... 
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11 Cute DIY Ocean And Mermaid Slime Crafts

11 Cute DIY Ocean And Mermaid Slime Crafts

Ocean, seas and all kind of sea creatures often inspire and remind of beach holidays. Why not make a gorgeous toy for sensory play with this theme in mind? Today we are sharing some cool tutorials for kids’ slime – ocean, sea, mermaid, with fish and other stuff. Get inspired to make some for your... 
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7 Easy And Fun DIY Sponge Toys For Your Kids

7 Easy And Fun DIY Sponge Toys For Your Kids

Usual sponges that most of us have at hand can be a cool material to craft something for your kids! You may make various toys and simple accessories to play with, and your kids may take part in crafting. Let’s take a look at some easy ideas! Missing summer? We too! Is there anything more... 
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11 Cute DIY Fairy Houses To Make For Your Kids

11 Cute DIY Fairy Houses To Make For Your Kids

A fairy house is a cool piece for your kids to play with – both indoors and outdoors, just buy some cool figurines to fill the house. Such an item can be also used for garden decor instead of usual gnomes or together with them. Make such cute houses with kids or without them –... 
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13 Cool DIY Locker Decorations And Accessories

13 Cool DIY Locker Decorations And Accessories

Your kid’s locker at school may and can be personalized and look bold and cool. How to do that? A locker can be decorated with various magnets, shelves and pen and pencil holders. We’ve prepared a whole bunch of amazing DIY locker decorations you can make very fast and cool, here they are! Decorating your... 
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13 Valentine’s Day Slime DIYs For Your Kids

13 Valentine’s Day Slime DIYs For Your Kids

Both adults and kids are looking forward to Valentine’s Day but if your kids are too small to celebrate anything or go to parties, you can still make them happy with some gifts, chocolate and colorful slime. Valentine’s Day slime is great for playing and can be given to your child’s friends as a gift.... 
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7 Bright And Cool DIY Christmas Slime Crafts

7 Bright And Cool DIY Christmas Slime Crafts

Everyone loves getting ready for Christmas beforehand to feel the spirit of the holidays, to raise the mood and just feel the joy of this time of the year. Your children are looking forward to it even more! We offer you an idea to keep them busy and happy while feeling the holiday spirit at... 
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12 Whimsy And Bright DIY Halloween Slime Recipes

12 Whimsy And Bright DIY Halloween Slime Recipes

Though there’s still a month left before Halloween, why not start it earlier with your kids? There’s a great sensory toy idea for Halloween, which develops children’s creativity and fine motor skills, and it’s sure to keep your kids busy and interested for a long time, and it’s slime. Halloween slime is very bold, maybe... 
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