If you’ve decided to have a rustic Easter, that’s a cool idea! Burlap, twine, paper, even moss and twigs will be your materials. Don’t want to paint eggs like everybody does? Wrap them with twine, moss, felt or make string eggs for décor – it’s an original décor solution and rustic, too. Grapevine wrapped around...
DIY Embroidered Felt Easter Eggs
If you want some original Easter decorations, let’s make these felt eggs. Prepare wool roving, 1 bowl warm, soapy water, 1 bowl lukewarm water, scissors, cotton embroidery thread, a 3″ long needle. Tear a small strip of wool roving and roll into a loose ball in your hand. Dip ball in bowl of warm soapy...
10 Awesome Easter Baskets Of Fabric Or Threads
Continuing the theme of Easter décor, we’d like to tell you about fabric Easter baskets for eggs, chocolate bunnies and other pieces. You can’t even imagine how different these baskets may be! From just folding fabric to transforming a doily into a basket! If you are good at crocheting or knitting, then you can easily...
Fun And Easy To Make DIY Pizza Garland
Everybody loves pizza! And this craft is dedicated to it – it’s a funny and cool for parties garland! The supplies are a free printable template, scissors, double adhesive tape and string. Download the free template and print it on thick paper/cardboard. The file has three pizza slices, so print six A4 sheets of paper...
7 Cool Easter Baskets Of Paper And Cardboard
Baskets with eggs or rabbits are the most traditional Easter decoration or gift. I’m sure that you know many ideas how to dye or decorate Easter eggs but what about baskets? Paper or cardboard is the most common material to make such a basket as everyone has it at hand and it’s not difficult to...
DIY Eggshell Tealight Candle Centerpiece For Easter Decor
Easter is not far, so have you thought of your Easter table décor yet? Let’s make this easy centerpiece for your table, you’ll need eggshells, food coloring, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, warm water, tealight candles, an egg holder. If you have empty eggshells, wash and clean your eggshells, removing the membrane as well. Then simply...
14 Awesome DIY Entryway Wall Decorations
We’ve already told you of some cool entryway projects for storage, and now let’s talk about décor. What projects can you make for entryway wall décor? First of all, these are letters – of rope, cardboard or fabric – you can write anything you like with these letters. A ‘Home Sweet Home’ sign looks in...
8 Creative DIY Coat Hangers For Your Entryway
Where do you hang your coats and maybe handbags? If you want to make a cool coat hanger without wasting much money or applying many skills, you’ll love this tutorial! Got some driftwood? Use it for a coat hanger! Just attach some hooks and voila! Wooden poles can also compose a cool coat hanger –...
9 Simple DIY Entryway Mirrors You Can Make
We can’t do without mirrors in the entryway because we want to know how we look, girl would like to apply some lip gloss and use a hair comb. In case this mirror has a shelf – it’s priceless! Let’s see what mirrors you can make for your hallway. So, as I said, a mirror...
DIY Tillandsia Garden Of A Big Terra Cotta Star Ball
This home garden is based on a big terra cotta star ball, which is actually meant to have a light inside. If can’t find any, take a lantern with cutouts or a bird cage. Start by arranging the top, which is a melody of air plants, and work your way down. It’s a matter of...