A calendar is a must – we should always know what date it is but today it has also become a décor element. You can create your own personalized calendar to welcome the new year, and it’s pretty easy. Today we are sharing DIY flip calendars, and you can personalize them as you like creating...
To create this simple floating frame find a vintage frame and then take measurements of your frame (for the insert pieces). Head to your local hardware store and ask them to cut you 2 pieces of glass to your specific measurements. Dust off/ clean the glass. Set one piece into the frame. Center your poster...
Preparing for a New Year party? New Year parties are time to sparkle! Make your party super shiny with these awesome disco ball decorations! Disco balls are a perfect thing for making any type of décor: a wreath, a centerpiece, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a cardholder, a planter or anything else that comes to...
Lacking snow? Even if not, these fun DIYs will help your feel the icy breath of winter! Here are some ideas to make icicle decorations for your tree and just home – they are so cute! The easiest way is to cut some of paper and hang somewhere in the corner as if it’s frozen....
More wonderful and easy DIYs for these winter holidays! And today it’s a super fast pompom garland. The supplies are gold mylar tissue paper, scissors, thin wire, straight pins or paper clips, yarn or string. First, open your tissue paper and cut your layers of sheets in half down the long fold (you should have...
Ice skates aren’t a traditional décor element but they look very original, and vintage ice skates have become a super popular piece for outdoor décor. Today I’ve prepared various tutorials connected with skates, these are not only decorated skates but also skates-inspired crafts. If you have a pair of old ice skates, the easiest idea...
The reason why I love gift toppers and prefer to make them and not tags is because a gift topper is a tiny present in itself, it makes you look forward to opening the gift! Speaking about Christmas, there are so many ideas to realize! A tiny wreath will be a nice idea, either from...
If you haven’t finished holiday décor yet, make these cool ornaments! You’ll need a birch branch or pre-cut and drilled wood slices, a wood burner, a drill, a chop saw or hand saw, narrow plaid ribbon or twine, a pencil, pliers, old chopping block or cookie sheet. Take a pencil and sketch some snowflakes, then...
These photo ornaments are fantastic for tree décor and will be perfect gifts for your family and friends. Prepare a free printable pattern, an embroidery hoop, fabric, embroidery floss in various colors, Mod Podge CS15067 8-Ounce Photo Transfer, photos printed from laser jet printer, white paper, ribbon. Photo transfer your image to fabric. After printing...
We all got used to ornaments on our Christmas trees but can we use them anywhere else? Of course! You can fill your home with beautiful ornament DIYs and get an incredible festive spirit. Ornaments are great to make a garland, you can add some feathers or beads. Alternative Christmas trees are amazing, especially if...