DIY Glowing Ghosts For A Halloween Party

DIY Glowing Ghosts For A Halloween Party

DIY Glowing Ghosts For A Halloween Party

When it comes to a Halloween party your whole home is probably already feature one or two ghoulish ghost decorations. Although right for the party you can make simple glowing ghosts to create even more spooky mood. For that you’ll need several white balloons and several green eight-hour light sticks. Just insert sticks into ballons,... 
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Simple DIY Fall Garland From Felt

Simple DIY Fall Garland From Felt

Simple DIY Fall Garland From Felt

You can make so many cool things of felt. For example, it’s really easy to make an adorable Fall garland of it. You’ve probably seen such garlands in stores. The idea is to get several different pieces of felt in pastel colors and print several leaf templates. After than you just need to trace these... 
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DIY Canvas Pinwheel Wall Art

DIY Canvas Pinwheel Wall Art

DIY Canvas Pinwheel Wall Art

Don’t you think that decorating your walls with your own art is much more cooler than with the one you can buy? If so then you can try this or other cool art projects we already wrote about. For this project you’ll need a large canvas and a bunch of acrylic paint of different colors.... 
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