Terrariums are fashionable because it’s a piece of nature in your house. But all these designers’ terrariums are very expensive. Let’s make one ourselves. So, you’ll need a glass vase, a small plate, pebbles, soil, moss and a small plant with shallow roots. Place some small stones or pebbles on the plates. Wet a handful...
Welcome your guests with a rainbow mat! You can make it easily and without many expenses. You’ll need boards, a drill, sandpaper and some more instruments. Sand the faces and edges of each board with 120-grit sandpaper followed by 180-grit sandpaper. Then cut the boards into 9″-long pieces and sand the ends smooth. To paint...
Eggs are an indispensable part of Easter, no matter if they are chocolate, real, quail, painted, with crochet or of any other design. Here’s a way to design your eggs being original. You’ll need some black chalkboard paint, paper mache or real eggs and some chalk. So paint the eggs and let them dry. Now...
Small Christmas trees are very popular as centerpieces and why not make an Easter tree to hang not beautiful balls but painted eggs? You’ll need a branch from a tree – choose a nice shape with several branches out to the sides so all of your eggs will be on display; a vase or pot...
A neck pillow is right what you need for your tired neck after a long day. Let’s make one! This idea will be very interesting as you’ll need some car wash mittens, stitch ripper or scissors, feathers. Remove the stitches and fill the mittens with whatever kind of stuffing you have on hand. Feathers, batting,...
DIY art is always a flight imagination. We have already told you of wall art with cupcake papers. Now we offer to make a piece of scrabble pixel art. For this project you’ll need scrabble tiles, glue, board (cut to size needed for tiles using), a picture hanger and a hammer. Simply put a little...
St.Valentine’s Day has passed already but we still should remind our beloved of our attitude to them. It’s high time to remind them that you love them! Let’s make a little piece of art to do this. You’ll need a glossed wood hear, scissors, modgepodge, paintbrush, yarn, spray paint, fabric glue or hot glue gun....
One of the main signs that somebody lives in the house are the magnets on the fridge. But if you want them of one style and not to scratch the surface – let’s make them. You’ll need fabric scraps, round magnets, needle and thread. Cut out a circle that is about 3 times the diameter...
We do everything to decorate our tables for party dinners – make amazing centerpieces, embroider tablecloths and napkins. These are cute vintage wooden numbers that would add charm to any wedding or just celebration table. You’ll need: pieces of wood, cardstock paper, inkjet printer, scissors, Elmer’s glue, Modge Podge, foam brush. With your foam brush...
Decorate your table to make the meal joyous and cheerful! Let’s make fun cascading pinwheel table runner as an alternative to flowers on your tables. You’ll need 8.5 X 11 sheets of paper, scissors, double sided tape, cardstock, hot glue gun and sticks. Choose the colors you like and begin. Fold a piece of paper...