DIY Colorful Matryoshka Felt Bookmark

DIY Colorful Matryoshka Felt Bookmark

DIY Colorful Matryoshka Felt Bookmark

Matryoshka means “little matron” in Russian, it’s a painted wooden doll. They are quite cute and funny, and these bookmarks imitate them. To make them you’ll need felt pieces, scraps of fabric, sharpie pens, cotton thread and needle, scissors, PVA glue, a small brush, 3mm ribbon, a template. Cut out the printed template. The outside,... 
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Simple DIY Leather iPad Sleeve To Make

Simple DIY Leather iPad Sleeve To Make

Simple DIY Leather iPad Sleeve To Make

Tablet sleeves will always be a popular topic for any crafting tutorials because we want to keep the piece safe. Let’s make this simple one, the supplies are heavyweight leather or suede, heavyweight/leather sewing machine needles, heavyweight thread, scissors, sewing machine. If you have an iPad, here are the sizes of the pieces you need... 
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Easy DIY Faux Birch Rustic Place Mat

Easy DIY Faux Birch Rustic Place Mat

Easy DIY Faux Birch Rustic Place Mat

This fantastic rustic birch placemat will be perfect for any type of family dinner, including Christmas. Prepare birch wrapping paper, some leftover felt, scissors, and a hot glue gun. Speaking about felt, here it was a 14.5″x18″ rectangle but you can go for any size you like. Glue the felt to the backside of the... 
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