Making a cool candle holder isn’t difficult. For this unusual candle holder you’ll need a hot glue gun, some clothespins, twine, gold buttons and a glass. Place a bead of glue on the inside rim of the lid, then pop the clothespin on top. Do the same thing on the outside. Pull out your roll...
If you want to add a fall spirit to your décor and don’t want to waste much time or money, here’s the way. For this simple pine cone candle holder you’ll need some pine cones, a small jar, a candle, double sided tape or hot glue and a thread. Stick the pine cones to the...
To decorate your Halloween mantel or just interior take pumpkins! They are universal because these décor pieces may be used for Halloween, Thanksgiving and just in fall. For a glass pumpkin take: Looking Glass Spray Paint, spray bottle with water, painters tape, a plastic bag. Tape the outside of the pumpkin with a plastic bag...
Your Halloween décor would be incomplete without this vintage spooky garland. The supplies are some string, a stapler, a few buttons, black/orange cardstock for bats or pumpkins, a gluestick or other type of adhesive, some pages from an old book. Cut out some rectangles of book pages and snip out a triangle shape from the...
Decorating your home for fall? Getting ready for Halloween party? Let’s make some pumpkins without which your décor won’t be so fall. You’ll need a Dollar store pumpkin, some burlap, Mod Podge, jute twine, floral wire. Cut burlap into small pieces trimming off any excess string. Coat your pumpkin with Mod Podge applying it with...
To make your fall wedding even more special, make this charming doily bowl of clay for the rings. The supplies are 795 gram package of White Oven Bake Clay, fabric doily, letter stamps (optional), a rolling pin, a small oven safe bowl, a chopstick or bamboo stick for poking holes at top of bowl, a...
If you want to change something in your interior, a cool idea is to paint it – it’s the easiest idea. Paint your usual rug up to the style or a new color scheme of the room. You’ll need a rug, some tape, craft acrylic paint of the color you like, a paint brush. Measure...
You’ll need some coasters not to spoil your furniture with hot tea or hot coffee mugs. Here’s an easy way to make some cool coasters. You’ll need 1 piece of self-adhesive shelf liner or contact paper, 1 set of 4 circle-shaped cork coasters, a circle cutter, a ruler, a self-healing mat. Measure the area you...
If you scratched your laptop and don’t know what to do, here’s an idea how to renovate it easily so that it would look cool. You’ll need a piece of contact paper a little larger than your actual laptop, scissors, an X-acto knife. Cut out a piece of contact paper a little larger than your...
We have already told you of some trays that you can easily make yourself, and here’s one more idea – it’s personalized diy tray with a chalkboard. You’ll need a large photo frame, 2 door or drawer handles, 4 bolts, an electric drill, a long ruler, a pencil, tin black board paint, a paint roller...