A clutch is the most elegant and stylish handbag, I think. If you like crochet and leather things, you’ll love this one! To make it, you’ll need slip knot, chain, single crochet, weave in ends, a scrap piece of leather or vinyl about 8×10 inches, a leather punch, medium worsted weight yarn, an F hook,...
If you have a pouch (and I think that every girl does), the zipper pull is probably not so comfy in using. You can improve it using a wire cutter, 6mm split rings, arrested beads, head pins, round nose jewelry pliers. Take a head pin and arrange your beads. Leave approximately 1cm (1/2″) of wire...
Polka dot pieces are very popular as they are cute and feminine, to make a polka dot clutch you’ll need a canvas zipper bag, Mod Podge, Mod Podge polka dot stencil, loose glitter and a spouncer. Position the stencil on my bag and hold it in place with a bit of clear tape. Then use...
If you are planning a Valentine’s Day party, then a mail box for love letters is a necessary thing. To make one you’ll need free printable valentines letter box templates, a gable box (9 x 6 x 6″), a glue stick. Print and cut out valentine box templates. Glue door, side panels and name plate...
Got an iPad? Want a cool case? You can easily make it yourself! You’ll need soft leather, elastic band, upholstery scissors, suede cord, pins, needle and thread, xacto, glue. Cut down your leather using your iPad as a guide. Leave it long on top and bottom and cut out four strips of the elastic, making...
Just several days are left before Valentine’s Day, and everybody’s thinking over gifts for their beloved. A wonderful idea for a girl is a mobile phone case decorated according to the holiday – with hearts! You’ll need a clear, hard plastic cellphone case, E-6000 industrial strength glue, Pick Me Up tool, a nail filer, toothpicks,...
Love pallets! They are ideal for different rustic crafts, and how about making a similar craft but a mini-version. For these mini pallet coasters you’ll need popsicle sticks, sharp scissors, a sponge brush, wood stain, cloth, gorilla/crazy glue, protective waterproof spray-optional. Cut the ends off of the popsicle sticks using very sharp scissors. This is...
IKEA hacks are extremely popular because their pieces are like a canvas for work! Today we’ll remake FINTORP rail into a scarf display. You know that storing all those girlish things is a hard work because there can’t be enough space for all of them. So, I think that a smart scarf display is a...
These little bookmark pals are so fun! They are really cute, unique, and useful, and they make great gifts for all ages – remember, it’s Valentine’s Day coming soon. It’s also a fun project that doesn’t take hardly any time or money. All you need to create these little pals is felt, scissors, a needle,...
We’ve already told you of some cool driftwood crafts, and here’s one more idea to use it – a driftwood wall hanger! The supplies are a piece of drift or reclaimed wood, coat hooks, a screw driver, spray paint, blue painters tape, 2-3 screw eye hooks, screws. Tape of a portion of the drift wood...