DIY Shower Hook Closet Organizers

DIY Shower Hook Closet Organizers

DIY Shower Hook Closet Organizers

We all have closets at home and store many things there; hanging them on hooks is a good space-saving solution. Let’s give your closet a new look and turn usual hooks into cool and casual ones using just your old jeans for it. You’ll need old jeans, shower curtain hooks, scissors and a hole punch.... 
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Colorful And Easy DIY Headphone Clips

Colorful And Easy DIY Headphone Clips

Colorful And Easy DIY Headphone Clips

We’ve already told you of some ideas to store headphones without tangles. This idea is not a traditional holder, it’s a fun and colorful clothespin. You’ll need 2 clothespins, tacky glue, washi tape or other embellishment to decorate. Apply a thin coat of tacky glue to one clothespin and stack the second clothespin on top... 
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Cheerful DIY Mint Summer Tray Makeover

Cheerful DIY Mint Summer Tray Makeover

Cheerful DIY Mint Summer Tray Makeover

Got a tray? Renovate it in a chic and colorful summer way! You’ll need a serving tray, matte or gloss medium, a paintbrush, decorative paper, scissors, measuring tape and/or ruler, a pencil. Start by measuring the inside of the serving tray all the way around. One side may be slightly smaller or larger than another,... 
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DIY Wood Burnt Salad Servers

DIY Wood Burnt Salad Servers

DIY Wood Burnt Salad Servers

Decorating the cutlery makes cooking and eating more cheerful, and the easiest way is painting or washi taping it. Another but more difficult way is to burn the wooden cutlery. You’ll need a wood burning pen set, 2 wood rice ladles, a pencil. First, choose some wooden spoons that would make good salad servers. Draw... 
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7 Colorful DIY Headphones Decor Ideas

7 Colorful DIY Headphones Decor Ideas

7 Colorful DIY Headphones Decor Ideas

Summer is season of bold colors, sunlight and aromas! We want bright colors everywhere, including the smallest accessories, and your headphones are no exception. Make a bright accessory for this summer! There are some easy ways to do that, and the first one is painting them. Here you needn’t any paint, the best idea is... 
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DIY No Sew Leather Jewelry Pouch

DIY No Sew Leather Jewelry Pouch

DIY No Sew Leather Jewelry Pouch

Every girl needs a jewelry pouch but if you are bad at sewing, I guess, you have a problem with it. This tutorial requires no fuss and no sewing skills, so prepare leather, Crop-A-Dile hole punch, scrapbooking eyelets, thin ribbon, sharp scissors, a bowl, a charm or bead and a pen. The easiest way to... 
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Easy DIY Leather Furniture Pull

Easy DIY Leather Furniture Pull

Easy DIY Leather Furniture Pull

If you are renovating an old furniture piece, we have a cool idea of what to use instead of hardware. A cool leather pull! You’ll need an old leather belt, a utility knife, a screwdriver, a power drill, a Chicago bolt with matching screw of choice. With your utility knife cut the length of leather... 
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DIY Fun Coin Purse Of A Tennis Ball

DIY Fun Coin Purse Of A Tennis Ball

DIY Fun Coin Purse Of A Tennis Ball

Do you have spare tennis balls? Ready to turn them into fun and practical purses? You’ll need a tennis ball, felt, a pen knife, scissors and glue. Cut open the ball somewhere around the U-shape curvy point with your pen knife, about 2 cm high. When you think you have cut deep enough, just squeeze... 
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DIY Triangle Leather Earbud Holder

DIY Triangle Leather Earbud Holder

DIY Triangle Leather Earbud Holder

Do your earbuds often tangle? Then you need a cool earbud holder to avoid it! The supplies are scrap leather, a multi-hole leather punch, scissors, 7 mm screw back studs. Fold your leather piece in half and cut a triangle shape. When you open the piece you will have a diamond shape. Using your largest... 
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