DIY Glowing Milk Jug Ghosts

DIY Glowing Milk Jug Ghosts

DIY Glowing Milk Jug Ghosts

These ghostly homemade lanterns is a nice alternative to lanterns made of jars. They are more easy to do but also look incredibly cute. That projects could be become a fun activity as for kids as for their parents. Materials: Clean plastic gallon milk jugs Black permanent marker Craft knife Holiday lights Instructions: Draw ghost... 
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5 Fabulous Outdoor Halloween Decorations

5 Fabulous Outdoor Halloween Decorations

5 Fabulous Outdoor Halloween Decorations

Usually during October you still is able to host a party outdoors. October is the month of Halloween so it’s really a great idea to decorate your outdoor space with Halloween accents. Here are 5 fabulous examples of how cool outdoor Halloween decorations could be. They features as standard Jack-O’-Lanterns as other very interesting decor... 
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DIY Glowing Monster Jars

DIY Glowing Monster Jars

DIY Glowing Monster Jars

The idea to make cool glowing jacks from jars isn’t so new. Although this interpretation by Megan from Crazy Domestic is one of the best I’ve seen. Even though it isn’t hard to understand how to make something similar from pictures, Megan has described the process in details. You don’t need much for the project.... 
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