If you want to give all your guest a proper spot at Thanksgiving dinner then you need to make place cards for all of them. Such cards would help your guests feel themselves special and will add your personal touch to the table setting. Making Thanksgiving place cards isn’t as hard as you might think....
Fall is favorite season for many people. Even though weather isn’t always great this time of the year, Autumn’s nature colors help you forget about that. Besides, it’s great time to decorate your home and have several family and friends gatherings. Thanksgiving is one of those days when you definitely gather with your family. In...
Thanksgiving is that one holiday a year we gather with family and friends to remember all we are grateful for…Thanksgiving dinner with the extended family mean that you probably need a separate kids table. In case you’re into dressing an adult’s table you shouldn’t forget abou dressing the kids table too. With a little bit...
If you want to spice things up a bit at our family get-together for Thanksgiving you can make cute treat holders for all kids that will be there. Of course you can buy cool treat holders at Pottery Barn, but making them could be much more fun process especially if you have kids. Here are...
Candles are perfect to light up your Thanksgiving table. They also are perfect to light up the whole dining or living room for the celebration. I gathered for you a bunch of different Thanksgiving candle displays that you can use as your inspiration. They include different centerpieces, arrangements and DIY candles so I hope these...
Decorating windows with silhouettes is a spooky way to welcome your guests on Halloween. Besides, it’s a simple way. You simply need to cut out some cool shapes from black cardboard, apply them on windows and turn on the lights. These silhouettes could be ghosts, zombies, withes, and any other related to Halloween characters. Check...
If you’re running late with Halloween decorating than you should make a bunch of these cool tabletop mummies right away. You just need a coated electrical wire and white fabric strips. Thanks to the fact that the wire can be easily bended you can easily make your mummies seating in different poses. All you need...
If you don’t have time to carve beautiful pumpkins for Halloween and search for a last minute solution to decorate your home with pumpkins then here is a great solution for you. Take a bunch of oranges and draw faces on them using a black sharpie. Next, cut a bunch of short stands of yarn...
This is probably the coolest Halloween pumpkin I’ve seen so far. Junk-o-lantern is much more creative than traditional carved pumpkins. To make similar jack-o-lantern you’ll need a bunch of old hardware, nails, screws, nuts, bolts, fasteners, springs, electrical stuff, clamps and wire. Raid your junk storage for all these stuff. For more details and full...
If you still don’t have a Halloween wreath then go to the hardware store right away. Buy a black ceiling medallion, a small wreath form and black and white plaid silk sash there. Next, find some orange piece of fabric and start this project right away. First, cover the wreath form with orange fabric. Next,...