36 Beautiful Bird Baths For Your Garden

Beautiful Bird Baths For Your Garden

Wanna attract wildlife to your garden? Let’s start from birds as they are the cutest! How to bring some of them to your garden to make it cooler and enjoy watching them from time to time? Here are some ideas to make a bird bath in your garden, but first

What Is A Bird Bath?

A bird bath (or birdbath) is an artificial puddle or small shallow pond, created with a water-filled basin, in which birds may drink, bathe, and cool themselves. A bird bath can be a garden ornament, small reflecting pool, outdoor sculpture, and also can be a part of creating a vital wildlife garden.

A raised garden bed with blooms and with a bird bath in the centera chic and beautiful carved stone bird bath is a great way to attract birds, and a raised garden bed will add interest and chic.

A raised garden bed with blooms and with a bird bath in the centera chic and beautiful carved stone bird bath is a great way to attract birds, and a raised garden bed will add interest and chic.

A metal bath that is small, modern and minimal. It will fit a more modern garden, just keep in mind that you should keep an eye on the algae.

A metal bath that is small, modern and minimal. It will fit a more modern garden, just keep in mind that you should keep an eye on the algae.

A large bird bath of stone, with faux birds to attract living ones. Stone ensure stability and durability through the seasons. Faux birds not only attracts real birds to approach but also add an aesthetic charm to the piece.

A large bird bath of stone, with faux birds to attract living ones. Stone ensure stability and durability through the seasons. Faux birds not only attracts real birds to approach but also add an aesthetic charm to the piece.

Such a bird bath is quite natural and will be comfy for birds without spoiling the created scenery and attracting too much attention.

Such a bird bath is quite natural and will be comfy for birds without spoiling the created scenery and attracting too much attention.

Such a modern and simple bird bath is a cool idea as it's sturdy enough to hold birds and it contrasts the blooms but it should be cleaned carefully from algae.

Such a modern and simple bird bath is a cool idea as it's sturdy enough to hold birds and it contrasts the blooms but it should be cleaned carefully from algae.

This beautiful bird bath will be not only a functional but also a decorative piece in any garden, it looks very beautiful and adds color and pattern.

This beautiful bird bath will be not only a functional but also a decorative piece in any garden, it looks very beautiful and adds color and pattern.

Such a bold and rich-colored bird bath will be not only functional but also decorative, place it next to the entrance to enjoy the look of the birds.

Such a bold and rich-colored bird bath will be not only functional but also decorative, place it next to the entrance to enjoy the look of the birds.

Such a bird bath is a nice idea for a garden, it will add a refined feel to the space and will make it cooler and livelier.

Such a bird bath is a nice idea for a garden, it will add a refined feel to the space and will make it cooler and livelier.

Such a large bird bath will attract birds and will make staying in it comfortable due to its size and sturdiness.

Such a large bird bath will attract birds and will make staying in it comfortable due to its size and sturdiness.

A classy double bird bath made of concrete.

A classy double bird bath made of concrete.

Such classics can be found in many old gardens, and if you surround it with some bright blooms, it will look lovely and accented.

Such classics can be found in many old gardens, and if you surround it with some bright blooms, it will look lovely and accented.

This bird bath won't dictate any style as its design is quite simple and cool, and it will attract some wildflife here.

This bird bath won't dictate any style as its design is quite simple and cool, and it will attract some wildflife here.

A classic vintage stone bird bath is always a good idea, and if you place it in the center of a garden bed, it will look even more spectacular.

A classic vintage stone bird bath is always a good idea, and if you place it in the center of a garden bed, it will look even more spectacular.

Where To Place A Bird Bath?

Consider the climate first: in northern areas, a sunny spot may be best so sunlight can help keep the water warmer on cool days and even help keep water liquid in winter. In southern regions, however, a shady spot keeps water cooler on the hottest days and helps minimize bacteria growth in warm water. Opt for partial or dappled shade to help regulate the water temperature. This will also create changing shadows and sparkles on the water’s surface that can help attract birds as they notice the water.

Ideally, place a bath several feet away from any windows so birds have adequate room to maneuver but the bath is still easily visible for convenient watching.

Place a bath in a garden or flowerbed where splashes and spills can help keep plants watered and conserve water use. Be aware that bird feces can accumulate around a bath and this can change the soil’s acidity and make it less suitable for some delicate plants.

The closer a bath is to a hose or spigot, the easier it will be to keep clean, fresh, and full. If the bath must be further away from a water source, be sure any hoses are long enough to reach and pitchers or buckets are easily accessible for refilling the basin.

Birds are nervous when they drink or bathe, and if a bath is too exposed, they are less likely to use it. Position the bath near a bush or tree that birds can escape to if they feel threatened, but do not put it so close that predators could easily hide and attack the birds. Also keep the bath out of reach of pets and children, not only to keep the birds safe, but to prevent exposure to feces, bacteria, algae, and other materials that may be dangerous.

This idea will work for an eclectic garden or just if you love some spiritual vibes in decor.

This idea will work for an eclectic garden or just if you love some spiritual vibes in decor.

This bird bath surrounded with bright foliage is a very cool idea for a fal garden, it perfectly matches.

This bird bath surrounded with bright foliage is a very cool idea for a fal garden, it perfectly matches.

This unique piece is composed of two parts - a large rock and a minimal bowl on top and it will look amazing in a minimal garden.

This unique piece is composed of two parts - a large rock and a minimal bowl on top and it will look amazing in a minimal garden.

This lovely blue bird bath is great to attract bluebirds and blue jays and is placed in the center of the rocks and there's much greenery around it.

This lovely blue bird bath is great to attract bluebirds and blue jays and is placed in the center of the rocks and there's much greenery around it.

This small bird bath is a cool idea for a modenr garden, if you don't want too many birds and no integration into the scenery you've created.

This small bird bath is a cool idea for a modenr garden, if you don't want too many birds and no integration into the scenery you've created.

Another classic shape is a great idea for a bird bath, here's it's placed next to the trellis, so it can be owven with vines.

Another classic shape is a great idea for a bird bath, here's it's placed next to the trellis, so it can be owven with vines.

Place your bird bath right into the dense flourishing plants, so you will get a magical nook with blooms and birds.

Place your bird bath right into the dense flourishing plants, so you will get a magical nook with blooms and birds.

A cool and natural wabi-sabi stone bath of three equal parts is a lovely idea for a modern or a wabi-sabi garden.

A cool and natural wabi-sabi stone bath of three equal parts is a lovely idea for a modern or a wabi-sabi garden.

This bird bath is made of concrete but it features a classic shape, so it perfectly matches the chic English style garden with its refined feel.

This bird bath is made of concrete but it features a classic shape, so it perfectly matches the chic English style garden with its refined feel.

Such a small bird bath can be placed into bushes or blooms, just keep an eye on it, it may be not that sturdy.

Such a small bird bath can be placed into bushes or blooms, just keep an eye on it, it may be not that sturdy.

A lovely stone bird bath is a cool decoration for a garden, its classic shape will fit a vintage-inspired or shabby chic space.

A lovely stone bird bath is a cool decoration for a garden, its classic shape will fit a vintage-inspired or shabby chic space.

Green isn't the most attractive color for the birds but it has an obvious advantage: it doesn't interfere into your landscape and looks absolutely natural.

Green isn't the most attractive color for the birds but it has an obvious advantage: it doesn't interfere into your landscape and looks absolutely natural.

How Should A Bird Bath Look?

Simple styles like concrete and plastic basins may be the easiest to clean and offer the highest durability. Other materials like copper or glazed pottery may naturally stay cleaner since dirt doesn’t stick as easily. As for the colors, many homeowners prefer grene as it looks natural in the landscape, though the best are yellow (hummingbirds, warblers, goldfinches, blue (bluebirds, blue jays), red/pink (hummingbirds) and orange (hummingbirds, orioles).

The size and weight of the bath are critical, and a heavy concrete bird bath will be difficult to move and could damage delicate plants or sink into soft soil. A smaller, lighter bath, on the other hand, needs shelter from strong winds that may cause tips.

A good bird bath position will help keep the water clean. Avoid putting baths beneath trees or shrubs that liberally shed blooms, seeds, or fruits. Similarly, keep baths several feet away from feeding areas to keep spilled seed, hulls, or feces from accumulating in the water. Bird baths should be placed in level safe areas where they are not likely to tip, fall, or spill easily. The basin should be as level as possible to keep the depth even and maximize its water capacity.

Use multiple bird baths in different locations to meet birds’ different needs for bathing and drinking and attract even more species. Get inspired by gorgeous ideas below and attract wildlife to your outdoor spaces!

Such a cute little bird bath will be a nice addition to any garden, it looks pretty, refined and vintage-inspired.

Such a cute little bird bath will be a nice addition to any garden, it looks pretty, refined and vintage-inspired.

This bird bath looks natural in the scenery thanks to its color, and it will add a sophisticated touch to the garden.

This bird bath looks natural in the scenery thanks to its color, and it will add a sophisticated touch to the garden.

This bird bath is classics that always works: it features a classic design, a sturdy and stylish look at the same time.

This bird bath is classics that always works: it features a classic design, a sturdy and stylish look at the same time.

This unique piece is made up of two pieces of stone, and it's ideal for wabi-sabi and Zen gardens where you need that all-natural look.

This unique piece is made up of two pieces of stone, and it's ideal for wabi-sabi and Zen gardens where you need that all-natural look.

This classic bird bath placed into blooms is a lovely idea for a gardne, it will bring that elegant and chic feel of a cottage garden.

This classic bird bath placed into blooms is a lovely idea for a gardne, it will bring that elegant and chic feel of a cottage garden.

This little bird bath is a lovely idea for a more refined and vintage garden, if you don't want any birds, it will be just a lovely decoration.

This little bird bath is a lovely idea for a more refined and vintage garden, if you don't want any birds, it will be just a lovely decoration.

This bird bath can double as a pond with fish or plants, here it might be placed too low for birds.

This bird bath can double as a pond with fish or plants, here it might be placed too low for birds.

A great way to accent your bird bath even more is to place it into a raised garden bed with bright blooms.

A great way to accent your bird bath even more is to place it into a raised garden bed with bright blooms.

This modern piece is composed of a stone base and a metal bowl, just make sure it's secured well and there's no algae, to which metal is prone.

This modern piece is composed of a stone base and a metal bowl, just make sure it's secured well and there's no algae, to which metal is prone.

This piece can be placed into any modern or minimalist garden without interfering into your landscaping as it looks quite neutral.

This piece can be placed into any modern or minimalist garden without interfering into your landscaping as it looks quite neutral.

This simple and classic piece is great for many birds as it's sturdy and comfortable in using and looks quite natural.

This simple and classic piece is great for many birds as it's sturdy and comfortable in using and looks quite natural.