DIY Mini River Rock Fire Bowls

DIY Mini River Rock Fire Bowls

DIY Mini River Rock Fire Bowls

Do you like mini river rock fire bowls that Restoration Hardware was selling a while back? If so, then you can make similar bowls by yourself. That is easy process but the result is really impressive. For the project you’ll need: Sakrete Quickset Concrete, a bunch of river rocks, a plastic bowl, a large canned... 
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DIY Concrete Stepping Stones

DIY Concrete Stepping Stones

DIY Concrete Stepping Stones

We showed you several projects to make concrete planters that are perfect to use outdoors. These concrete stepping stones would be a nice addition to them. They are even easier to make than these planters. You just need some simple plastic square moulds and leaves. Just pour concrete in them and press some fallen leaves... 
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