Porthole windows, which can also be called bull’s eye windows, are a standard issue for most ships and boats. It is the circular-shaped windows that are located in the hull of sea vessels. It features a glass disk, known as the portlight, surrounded by a metal frame with bolts to secure it tightly. When these...
Garage doors used not in garages? Yes, please! This can seem ridiculous, but such doors are really used in other spaces of homes and for certain reasons. Wanna know more about it? A glass garage door is a window and door in one, it’s a great way to connect the outdoor and indoor spaces, to...
There are such design features that make your home look either cringe and stupid or unique and very chic. Examples? Stained glass! Stained glass, whether it’s an original feature of a historic home or a newly made piece, usually with some special tape, is a very special thing, around which you should design right to...
Separating the spaces is an important task that should be done both in a functional and stylish way, especially today when due to the pandemic many of us understood that open layout aren’t for us. A glass interior door is a great solution for subtle dividing the spaces without looking heavy at the same time...
Frosted glass is not just a decor feature used for home decor, it’s a functional thing used strategically in some spaces. Here are some ideas to use frosted glass in a smart way, and maybe here you’ll find a solution to your issues. Frosted Glass Doors A frosted glass door is a great idea for...
Purple is one of the most traditional colors for Halloween: it’s mysterious, it’s all about magic and wonders. Today more basic colors like black, white and red are on top for Halloween decor, that’s why if you wanna stand out with the color, you may rock purple. It goes nice with other traditional Halloween colors...
Rustic is the most natural style for the fall and especially for Thanksgiving that is all about family, unity and being grateful for everything. Rustic style brings ultimate coziness to any space, even if you use just a couple of touches, and that’s why I’d like to show you some beautiful rustic Thanksgiving tablescapes that...
If you ask me what Halloween decor is the easiest to DIY, I’d answer ‘bats’ and ‘snakes’, the latter being a scary but very impactful idea. Snakes aren’t that often used in Halloween decor but they are totally worth it: they usually look spooky and this way create a proper mood in the space. Here...
What can be more traditional for Halloween decor than bats? These little cuties are Halloween symbol number one, and moreover, you can make them easily and decorate each space with them bringing that Halloween spirit. Here are some ideas you may like. Paper Bats On The Walls I won’t surprise you if I say that...
Skeletons are extremely popular for Halloween decor, there’s literally no Halloween party without them. How to incorporate them with style to achieve a super cool look? Skeletons are perfect for using them for decor outdoors, you can create a lot of hilarious or even spooky scenes in your outdoor spaces, in the porch and other...