Brass and twine Valentine card (via camillestyles).
A Valentine card is a great idea for the coming romantic holiday, it can be given with your gift or separately, or become a hint for someone whom you like a lot. We’ve already told you of some cards to make but this bunch is different: no printables, just super original pieces. They are decorated with 3D, funny animals, beads, spoons, glasses, candies or even stitched! Could you imagine a brass Valentine card? There’s such a cool DIY idea below! If you like quilling, you can make a quilled card. A card with candies or chocolate can be a card and gift in one – love is sweet! Find your special card below!
Spectacular card (via thecasualcraftlete).
Origami heart cards (via omiyageblogs).
Beaded Valentine cards (via thecheesethief).
Papercut Valentine cards (via curiousandcatcat).
Sugar cookie Valentine (via sheknows).
Valentine spoon card (via kittenhood).
Quilled Valentine card (via allthingspaper).
Mason jar Valentine card (via ilovetocreateblog).
Sheep cards (via brasspaperclip).
Embroidered Valentine card (via sas-does).
Chocolate Valentines (via warmhotchocolate).
Pixely popup card (via minieco).
3D Valentine card (via orangenmond).
Cross-stitched Valentine (via thezenofmaking).