Many of us have iPods, iPhones and iPads, and we need cases or just some storage for them. We’ve told you of many iPhone cases, and today it’s time to make some for an iPod. You’ll need a piece of leather (20 x 30 cm), a piece of Liberty fabric and of Vlieseline (same size for each), a measure, scissors and glue. Place on a flat surface the leather, on it the Vlieseline) and then the fabric atop. Use the iron just for few seconds. Cut one piece of 14 x 25 cm, another one of 4 x 25 cm and two of 0,5 x 25 cm. The first piece will be the principal piece. Place on it the other piece of 4 x 25 cm, glue it to the basis with place for each element. Glue the 2 little elements in order to create strap that will close the case. Simple and fast, isn’t it?