IKEA always pleases us with its cool units that are timeless yet hacking them you’ll get super cool personalized pieces. Today we are sharing some hacks for nurseries, and I’m sure you’ll be excited! If the baby is really small, then a changing table is a must, so below you’ll find a couple of cool IKEA hacks to changing tables with storage spaces. Nightstands are also important, and Bekvam stool is right what you need here – paint and decorate it as you like. Whiteboards and ABC frames can be of use for your child to learn and draw, and IKEA also gives some units for creating them. Find more ideas below!
DIY changing table with storage (via younghouselove).
DIY Mammut stool hack (via coffeeandvanilla).
DIY play gym hack (via kaleyann).
DIY Latt table and chair hack (via thesweetestdigs).
DIY teepee (via nalleshouse).
DIY ABC frame (via lezoemusings).
DIY changing table (via poppinette).
DIY nightstand (via everythingemilyblog).
DIY kid whiteboard (via shrimpsaladcircus).