Wheat grass egg garden (via momtastic).
A small home garden is a nice ideas for spring when you can’t have a real garden outside because it’s too cold. Terrariums are very trendy at any time, so let’s make some pretty gardens and terrariums for this Easter. How is it better to highlight the holiday making a home garden? A very cool idea is to use egg shells as planters, though they are small, you can choose tiny succulents and wheat grass. You can decorate the egg shells with paints or a sharpie, add some soil and seeds or succulents. Place such a garden into a bowl with moss or hang it, and voila!
Easter egg terrarium (via shelterness).
Mini hanging Easter garden (via theredthreadblog).
Plastic Easter eggs garden (via papernstitchblog).
Eggs grass garden (via shelterness).
Easter egg garden in moss (via theprudentgarden).
Painted egg shell garden (via henryhappened).
Easter egg terrarium (via thehousethatlarsbuilt).
Macrame wheat grass garden (via themerrythought).