I love crafting with white clay! It’s kinda making cookies and adding patterns to them but such a piece will last longer. Roll the clay thick enough not to break and take cookie cutters to cut curious shapes. To make various patterns you can take cable knit, doilies, leaves, herbs and other things you like and just press them to the clay; don’t forget to do that from both sides. Make holes in each ornament to hang them after. Then if it’s oven-bake clay, bake it, if air-dry – just leave it to dry. Read the tutorials with ideas of patterning and painting the ornaments below!
Simple ornaments (via sayyes).
Text ornaments (via tomfo).
Pattened star ornaments (via shelterness).
Leaf stamped ornaments (via modernwifestyle).
Gift tags and ornaments (via shelterness).
Geo ornaments (via makeandfable).
Star ornament (via shelterness).
Snowflake ornaments (via https:).