Eggshell seed starters (via asimplepantry).
Spring is not only time of sunlight, birds and green bulbs, it’s also the time of gardening. I know that you, garden fans, are already preparing seeds to start, and I’ve rounded some cool seed starters special for you. The easiest and very Easter-like idea is to take empty egg shells, fill them with soil and plant your seeds. Tins cans or toilet paper rolls can also become a great base for make easy and cheap seed starters. Love fruit? Take a half of lemon and cut it to put soil and seeds inside. Below you’ll find not only these tutorials but also some comfy seed starting systems, get inspired!
Heat mat seed starting system (via vegetablegardener).
Seed starter Valentine (via handsoccupied).
Tin can seedling pots (via dabblesandbabbles).
Indoor seed starting system (via instructables).
Self-watering seed starter (via containergardening).
Newspaper seed starting pots (via gardenista).
Toilet roll seed starter (via yougrowgirl).
Citrus peel seed starter (via myromanapartment).