IKEA Kura bed is a cool piece for kids’ rooms, it’s a bunk bed ideal for shared rooms, recommended for the kids of 6 years and older. Its simple design gives freedom for your creativity, so it’s time to hack it! Kura can be decorated, hacked and turned in almost anything: a firetruck, a castle, a real shelter for your kids. You can paint and stencil it just like your kids want, and add a canopy or curtains for privacy. You can add some drawers or a shelf from IKEA (they combine very well) if our kids need one. Get creative hacks with tutorials below and go crafting with your children!
Leaf stenciled hack (via flaxandtwine).
Easy Kura hack (via ikeahackers).
Curtain bed (via thediymommy).
Firetruck hack (via kidsomania).
Bookshelf hack (via ikeahackers).
Castle hack (via ikeahackers).
High bunk bed (via apartmenttherapy).
Chevron hack (via https:).
Platform hack (via bathroomdesignidea).