Concrete countertop (via abeautifulmess).
Why is concrete ideal for kitchen? Concrete is a durable material, and that is perfect for a kitchen table or countertop as in the kitchen it’s often humid and hot. The second advantage is that it’s rather cheap and easy to make yourself. The third point is that concrete is a minimalist material, and that’s trendy! So, we’ve rounded up several tutorials that will allow you to make a concrete countertop yourself. The recipes are more or less the same, being different only in sizes and the type of concrete. So, renovate your kitchen countertop using concrete and you’ll get a very functional surface for cooking!
Stylish concrete countertop (via instructables).
Easy diy concrete countertop (via littlegreennotebook).
How to make a concrete countertop (via morelikehome).
Usual concrete countertop (via apartmenttherapy).
Concrete countertops for everyone (via kellymoorebag).
Textured concrete countertop (via bobvila).
Preps and making a countertop (via imperfectlypolished).