Chalkboard fridge makeover (via erinlauray).
Is your fridge old? Or does it look boring in your opinion? We’ve rounded up several amazing ideas to renovate it. The easiest way to give your fridge a new look is to paint it some eye-catching color like mint, blue, red or yellow. Another idea, which isn’t much more difficult, is making patterns on your fridge – from polka dots to stripes and even painting Union Jack on your refrigerator will look awesome! If you don’t want to paint, try contact paper or even fabric for decoration. My favorite idea for a fridge is chalkboarding it – it’s fun, and you can put not only magnets but also messages! Read the tutorials below to find out how to do it.
Wallpaper fridge makeover (via auntpeaches).
Polka dot fridge (via athomeinlove).
Painted fridge (via cozycrookedcottage).
Contact paper fridge makeover (via shoestringpavilion).
Chevron stripe fridge (via pocketfulofpretty).
Vintage steamer trunk fridge (via hometalk).