Retro-inspired coffered ceiling (via hgtv).
A coffered ceiling looks rustic and vintage, you needn’t live in an old house to have one or hire a designer to do that. You can easily make such a ceiling yourself reading the following tutorials. The main things to do is to decide on what coffers you want to have, where and what size. Then just take the measurements and choose the wood you like. You may also paint the wood or panels you used to continue the design of the room. Of course, you’ll need some wood-working skills and tools, so be ready. Read the tutorials below and decide which coffers you’ll make!
Faux coffered ceiling (via dressthisnest).
Beautiful wood coffered ceiling (via beforeitsnews).
Easy coffered ceiling (via diyadvice).
Painted coffered ceiling (via chriskauffman).
Decorative coffered ceiling (via thousandsquarefeet).