If you’re into gardening then you need a headquarters for all your gardening gear. If there isn’t space for a fully functional garden shed or at least for a small one you might need a potting bench. It’s a very handy piece of outdoor furniture that will help you pot your plants and organize garden tools. You can place such table anywhere: on a deck, on a porch, in the middle of the garden, in a garage and so on. Depending on available space and your needs you can choose the gardening bench in any size, with built-in sink or not, with one or with many shelves. There are even DIY plans available so you can build a perfect potting bench by yourself. Btw, if you have a garden shed it definitely would be better if there is one of those benches inside.
You need to know several things. If you plan to leave your bench outdoors, it needs to be finished with a weather-resistant stain or paint. Such finish would also protect from soil and fertilizer damaging the surface. That’s why it might be a good idea to cover your gardening table with such finish if it’s staying indoors. If you decide to build it yourself just know that this isn’t a hard project so you don’t need any special woodworking skills or a lot of tools. Below you’ll find several examples that lead to full sets of instructions and plans. Besides you’ll find a lot of ideas to make your potting bench special.
DIY potting bench with a decorative roof (via lovegrowswild) (With a plan!).
DIY potting bench made of two pallets (via apieceofrainbow).
Luxurious garden shed with storage and potting space (via shelterness).
Garden shed's potting table with storage (via digsdigs).