Halloween is very soon and probably everybody are carving spooky pumpkins. Although some of you might carve something more interesting this year. For example, some video game inspired stuff. Mario, pacman, pikachu, playstation 3 controllers, x-box logos and a lot of other stuff could be carved on a pumpkin. Check out these examples to get some inspiration.
Mortal Kombat Fatality Pumpkin.
Playstation Controller Buttons Pumpkin Carving.
Plants Vs Zombies Pumpkin.
Little Big Planet Sackboy Pumpkin.
Mortal Kombat Logo Pumpkin.
Nintendo Wii Pumpkin Carving.
Playstation Pumpkin Face.
Space Invaders Pumpkin Face.
Tetris Game Pumpkin Carving.
Wii Console Pumpkin Carving.
World Of Warcraft Alliance Pumpkin.
Xbox 360 Power Pumpkin Carving.