Graveyard mini terrariums (via shelterness).
In a month we’ll have funny and scary Halloween parties with cool costumes and spooky jokes. We’ve already told you about some costumes to make, jewelry and headpieces to wear, and now it’s time to decorate the house. Some new buntings or garlands? A good idea! Make faux organs, hands, eyeballs, wall art and you can even decorate a cactus into a mommy. Pumpkins – beautifully carved or painted scary – are a wonderful idea for Halloween. Ornaments are more traditional for Christmas but why not excite everybody making ones for Halloween? Enjoy some more tutorials below and begin crafting for Halloween!
Haunted house bell jar (via mysocalledcraftylife).
Spooky ghost leaves (via shelterness).
Zombie baby head (via justcraftyenough).
Halloween wall clock (via shelterness).
Vampire bat decorative frame (via willcookforsmiles).
Mummy pumpkins (via shelterness).
Bloody mini pumpkins (via almostmakesperfect).
Spider sacks (via shelterness).
Halloween embroidery hoop art (via dosmallthingswithlove).
Halloween plate decor (via shelterness).
Halloween apothecary jars (via apumpkinandaprincess).
Pumpkin made of junk (via shelterness).
Halloween-inspired bottles (via oneartsymama).
Pumpkins from oranges (via shelterness).
Spooky eyeball garland (via handsoccupied).
Tabletop mummies (via shelterness).
Halloween ornaments (via modpodgerocksblog).
Halloween countdown (via themotherhuddle).
Halloween severed head (via craftsunleashed).
Undead pumpkins (via shelterness).
Upcycled glass bottle (via thecentsiblelife).
Spooky eyeballs (via muralmaker1).
Halloween canvas (via shelterness).
Mummy heads (via rd).
Petrifying pumpkin candy dish (via ilovetocreate).
Eyeball bouquet (via shelterness).
Faux human organs (via soapdelinews).
Halloween wall hangers (via craftsunleashed).
Decorative bats (via bywilma).
Mummy cactus (via gardentherapy).
Tree branch chandelier (via allthingspaper).