Lovely pink submerged flowers in tall vases.
On the eve of Valentine’s Day, we want to show you some of the most romantic centerpieces and decorations you can make. They all feature candles, flowers, and water they are floating on or submerged in. There are so many ways to make such decorations and we can provide you with some cool ideas. Besides Valentine’s Day dinners they are perfect for weddings, outdoor parties, and simple romantic dinners.
The basic idea behind making such centerpiece is to take a vase, a bowl, or any other glass vessel and fill it with water. Next, you need to put there some candles and flowers in it. That could be orchids, roses, lilies, and any other flowers you like. You can use as whole flowers as simply their petals. We also recommend adding some additional decor to your centerpieces. That could be pebbles, sea shells or even fresh leaves.
Enjoy all these centerpieces we gathered for you. We hope you’ll make something like that for a dinner with your beloved one for the next dinner. It’s really worth the trouble.
p.s. Here are some more ideas for table serving on Valentine’s Day you might enjoy.
Beautiful DIY whole submerged rose centerpiece idea.
Cool glowing wedding centerpiece with water.
Orchids and floating candles is an amazing combo.
Lovely floating new year wedding centerpiece.
Nice christmas wedding centepiece with blue submerged flowers.
Submerged flowers is an interesting alternative to traditional floral wedding centerpieces.
Submerged orange orchids with candles are perfect for bright sunny days.
Submerged tulips boquet centerpiece.
Whole submerged flowers in a candle centerpiece.
Wine glass floating wedding candle centerpiece.
Vases filled with water and pebbles look great with underwater flowers and candles on top.
Pebbles, orchids and candles are a perfext mix.
Even a simple glass food container could be used to create a gorgeous floating floral centerpiece.
Zen-like floating candles centerpiece.
Vases are perfect containers to put full flower branches in them. Besides, submerged orchids looks great!.
Fresh summer floating candle centerpiece.
You can create beautiful floating flower centerpieces combining several glasses in different sizes.
Floating candles looks great with pebbles and sea shells. So eco!.
Moody way to design a water centerpiece.
Super simple to make yet super romantic centerpiece. Perfect for a last minute Valentine's Day dinner.
Floating roses could become a great addition to any wedding.
Simple floating candles centerpiece in a bowl.
Floating lilies also looks great with floating candles in water centerpices.
Full size submerged flowers centerpiece.
Submerged lilies looks quite awesome!.