String nail art pumpkin (via lovelyindeed).
Pumpkins are traditional for fall décor on the whole but scary ones are especially cool for Halloween! I’m sure that you know thousands of ideas to carve a pumpkin but not everyone is good at it. That’s why I decided to roundup striking Halloween pumpkins without carving them. Painting or spray painting pumpkins is the easiest idea – black or red for a bloody effect is amazing and pretty easy. Try spikes, rhinestones, thumbnails in black – they’ll give your décor a little rock touch. String and nail art is very popular now, so try some Halloween-themed ideas on pumpkins. Working with fabric is a little bit more difficult but decoupage pumpkins look awesome, so it’s worth trying. Find more creative DIYs below!
Stitched pumpkin (via designeditor).
Eek buttoned pumpkin (via ilovetocreate).
Bloody mini pumpkins (via almostmakesperfect).
Black glitter pumpkins (via transientexpression).
Black glam glitter pumpkins (via uncommondesignsonline).
Sequined pumpkins (via https:).
Zombie string art pumpkins (via dreamalittlebigger).
Pumpkins with bats (via itallstartedwithpaint).
Wire web pumpkins (via shelterness).
Spooky painted pumpkin (via thesweetestoccasion).
Duct tape mummy pumpkin (via whistleandivy).
Creepy cat eye pumpkin (via papernstitchblog).
Chalkboard pumpkins (via blog).
Wax resist pumpkins (via mylittle3andme).
Mummy cheesecloth pumpkins (via shelterness).
Fabric covered pumpkins (via allparenting).
Duct tape bat pumpkins (via hellonatural).
1 minute pumpkin decor (via lifeovereasy).
Succulent worded pumpkins (via thehousethatlarsbuilt).
Studded black pumpkins (via confettipop).