Round suitcase pet bed (via camillestyles).
Your pet needs the best things! Make a pet bed for your little friend – that’s very easy. A cat or a dog bed is very easy to make of an old suitcase – all you need to do is take just one half of it and put something soft into the case. If your dog spends much time outside, then it’ll need a doghouse – make it of wood. A pallet can be easily turned into a dog bed and if you attach wheels, it would be easy to move. Another idea of a pet bed is a soft pillow that you can make yourself taking just some fabric and stuffing. Look for more ideas below and choose your tutorial!
Red suitcase dog bed (via mysocalledcraftylife).
Pallet dog bed (via camillestyles).
Diy round dog bed (via housemadeblog).
Fabulous cat bed (via junkcamp).
Box cat bed (via hindsvikathome).
Diy suitcase dog bed (via designsponge).
Nightstand pet bed (via diynetwork).
Dog wrap pillow (via bhg).
Raised dog bed (via jezzeblog).
Poochie pillow (via modabakeshop).
Recycled sweaters pet bed (via craftstylish).
Recycled skirt pet bed (via unusuallyunusualfarmchick).
Chic pet bed (via inspirationrealisation).
Luxurious pet bed (via wkdesigner).
Quilted pet bed (via bhg).
Fleece dog bed tutorial (via erinerickson).