Pompom tablecloth (via abubblylife).
If you are having some celebration or guests and want to lay the table in sweet glam style, you’ll need not only tableware but also napkins and napkin rings, tablecloths and other accessories which are necessary to create a pretty setting. Looking for some cute tablecloth with glam chic touches? We’ve rounded up some for you! Ruffles, ombre, pompoms, confetti, pink stripes, roses and tulle – this is just a short list of the patterns and decorations that you can use to get a sweet tablecloth for some occasion. Choose the colors according to the color scheme of the event. Scroll down to enjoy more glam tablecloths and get inspired!
No sew ruffle tablecloth (via abubblylife).
Pink geometric tablecloth (via abubblylife).
Hand-stamped polka dot tablecloth (via hellohomeshoppe).
Scalloped tablecloth (via sugarandcloth).
Tie dye tablecloth (via ilovetocreateblog).
Ruffled burlap tablecloth (via celebratingeverydaylife).
Oilcloth tablecloth (via fourinthecity).
Polka dot tablecloth (via rufflesandbells).
Ombre tablecloth (via ohhappyday).
Tutu tablecloth (via thegirlinspired).
Circle patches tablecloth (via observationdiary).
Ikat tablecloth (via littlegreennotebook).
Roses tablecloth (via almalusplaceblog).
Pink striped tablecloth (via ohhappyday).
Confetti tablecloth (via ohhappyday).
Bunting tablecloth (via thesweetestoccasion).