Perpetual desk calendar (via apartmenttherapy).
A perpetual calendar is a calendar valid for many years, usually designed to allow the calculation of the day of the week for a given date in the future. You can easily make one yourself of different materials and in various colors. Erase board is a simple base for such a calendar or a planner; a vintage postcard calendar journal is a charming piece for those who love style. An event calendar is very comfortable in using and allows you not to forget of the important dates. A perpetual desk calendar is great for a working place and done right in the minimalist style. Look for some more ideas below and get inspired!
Erase board perpetual calendar (via celestefrittata).
Diy photo perpetual calendar (via guavabee).
Vintage postcard perpetual calendar (via designsponge).
Sectioned perpetual calendar (via scrapbooksetc).
Special days perpetual calendar (via diydelray).
Perpetual event calendar (via paulysrachie).
Perpetual wall calendar (via apartmenttherapy).
Perpetual magnetic calendar (via apartmenttherapy).
Perpetual calendar journal (via sloeginfizz).
Perpetual calendar memo wall (via blog).
Colorful perpetual calendar (via designsponge).