Fringy cat toy (via susantuttlephotography).
We’ve already told you of dog toys to make, and now it’s turn for your cutie cats! Let’s make some fun for them, the ideas are numerous! You may take your old clothes like a tee and make a piece of it. Gingerbread man cat toy? Yes, please! Catnip toys, knitted toys, funny colorful felted balls – you needn’t any special skill to make one. Toys should be colorful and maybe in shapes of different animals and plants. Don’t forget of scratch pads, they can be cheerful, too. Below you’ll find some cool tutorials of cat toys, make some piece and make your pet happy!
Old shirt cat toy (via kittenhood).
Gingerbread man cat toy (via dreamalittlebigger).
Fluffy cat toy (via mysocalledcraftylife).
Felt leaves cat toys (via onmyhonoriwilltry).
Cat toy plushies (via myfantastictoys).
Knitted fruit and veg toys (via onmyhonoriwilltry).
Catnip mice (via thezenofmaking).
Felted cat balls (via 7yaks).
Feather cat toy (via thethriftymama).
Colorful cat toys (via wikihow).
Scratch pad cat toy (via designsponge).