Easter egg candy box (via damasklove).
Easter is coming, and if you are preparing – don’t forget about the gifts and favors! The traditional ones are candies and chocolate, so you’ll need some box or wrap to pack them. We’ve prepared a whole bunch of awesome DIY that will help you to pack the gifts with Easter chic! Most of wraps and boxes are easily printable and then you can bend them and make a desired package. Making a cool candy box in the shape of an egg – so simple and so fun! Make fantastic Easter gift tags with little bunnies and chicks to personalize every gift and excite every guest. Get more creative ideas below and get crafty!
Printable Easter boxes (via hellowonderful).
Bunny favor bags (via confettisunshine).
Easter gift tag (via designisyay).
Easter wrap (via littlemonsterbaby).
Paper bunny treat pouches (via thesweetestoccasion).
Easter treat cartons (via whistleandivy).
Bunny love treat box (via getsilvered).
Printable bunny bags (via everydaydishes).
Easter gift wraps (via afreshlegacy).
Printable bunny gift tag (via inmyownstyle).