Christmas sign lights (via createandbabble).
A sign is a cool, easy and budget-friendly decoration for any season and holiday. Today we’ll speak about Christmas signs, and here there are lots of ideas. Chalkboard and string signs are amazing for indoors, they’ll look great in your kitchen, hallway or on the mantel. Rustic rough or recycled wood signs look stunning outdoors and it can withstand bad weather conditions. What a Christmas without lights? Make a cool sign and then attach lights to it – it’ll bring a wonderful festive mood! Another idea is making a marquee light sign inspired by winter and Christmas. Read the tutorials below and make the signs you like!
Chalkboard JOY sign (via cherishedbliss).
NOEL Christmas sign (via craftsbycourtney).
Fence board Christmas sign (via martysmusings).
Christmas marquee sign (via jadeandfern).
Painted JOY sign for outdoors (via loveoffamilyandhome).
Faux stained glass sign (via tatertotsandjello).
Simple painted sign (via craftingintherain).
Chalkboard JOY sign (via lovegrowswild).
Christmas lawn sign (via morenascorner).
Holiday string sign (via mysocalledcraftylife).