Frutti potholders (via crafts).
Potholders are a must for every kitchen, and they are a great gift for any girl, especially for Mother’s Day. You can easily make a couple of potholders applying your skills and materials you have. The most common way to make a potholder is to sew one of some thick fabric – take any shape, color and pattern you like. Try patchwork or quilted pieces – they look fun! Not good at sewing? Go for crocheting or knitting! Make something really creative like a crocheted cupcake, an alien, a panda or whatever you like. Read the tutorials below and choose the potholders you like!
Linen potholders (via shelterness).
Patchwork potholder (via seekatesew).
Striped potholder (via shelterness).
Polka dot potholder (via sayyes).
Crocheted cupcake potholders (via bittersweetblog).
Woven potholders (via creativejewishmom).
Pie potholders (via shelterness).
Quilted potholder (via simplynotable).
Space invader potholder (via popsdemilk).
Color block potholder (via piecedgoods).