Marquees always create an ambience, wherever you put them, and I’m sure that they will help you to feel the holiday spirit! Of course, Christmas and New Year marquees should reflect the holiday theme, so if you are choosing some letters, make words like JOY, FUN, CHEERS, MERRY, NOEL or something else connected with the holidays. My faves in this collection are a snowflake marquee or a Christmas tree marquee – so original and so eye-catching! These aren’t words but still very cool symbols of Christmas. Choose the best idea for your space and create an awesome marquee for these holidays!
Big JOY marquee (via uncommondesignsonline).
Happy Holidays marquee (via idlehandsawake).
NOEL marquee (via tatertotsandjello).
JOY vintage marquee (via lovegrowswild).
Merry (via freshcrush).
Christmas ornaments marquee (via craftcuts).
Snowflake marquee (via abeautifulmess).
FUN desk marquee (via ajoyfulriot).
Christmas tree marquee (via thesweetestoccasion).
CHEERS marquee (via abeautifulmess).
JOY marquee (via creatingandco).