Getting ready to throw a cool baby shower party? Then besides decorations and food you’ll need favors, and we offer to make them yourself. There are thousands of super easy ideas for DIY baby shower favors that everyone will love! Foodie favors are number one on the list, take candies, popcorn, chocolate or some other tasty food and pack them all into cute diaper-shaped or baby shirt pack. If you want to reveal your baby sex with favors, make them cute and girlish (for example, nail polishes) or nice and man-like (for example, boats). Toy cube photo holders, storybook favors, honey in Winnie-the-Pooh jars – there are so many options to choose from! DIYing baby showers is a fun an exciting process so get inspired and enjoy!
DIY diaper snail favor (via kidsomania).
DIY wash cloth puppy favor (via agirlcalledkim).
DIY pink animal favors (via ahousefullofsunshine).
DIY candy favors (via blog).
DIY foodie favors (via https:).
DIY rustic baby shower favor (via rescuedpawdesigns).
DIY nail polish favor (via https:).
DIY chocolate cake in a pot (via fabricpaperglue).
DIY baby block photo clip (via somethingisdone).
DIY Winnie The Pooh favors (via aboutfamilycrafts).