A pumpkin stand is a cool piece for displaying and decorating in the fall: you can place it on your porch and put pumpkins inside, or candies for guests, or put it indoors and also fill with some yummies for your family and friends coming. How can you make one? Just grab a pack of wooden planks and design a pumpkin of them; you can also go for very thick cardboard. Then make a box for displaying and attach it to the pumpkin in the most comfortable way. Paint or distress the whole thing if you want and fill it with some candies, pumpkins, pinecones, leaves and so on. Read the tutorials below for more instructions.
Simple pumpkin stand (via domestically-speaking).
Chalkboard pumpkin stand (via thefrugalhomemaker).
Monogrammed pumpkin stand (via justagirlandherblog).
Naile decorated pumpkin stand (via hometalk).
Rough wood pumpkin (via 7onashoestring).
Red pumpkin stand (via ourlifeisbeautiful).
Serving pumpkin stand (via littleglassjar).
Orange pumpkin stand (via 365ishpins).
Whitewashed pumpkin stand (via myuncommonsliceofsuburbia).
Rustic pumpkin stand (via dogsdonteatpizza).