Doily Easter basket (via rebekahgough).
Continuing the theme of Easter décor, we’d like to tell you about fabric Easter baskets for eggs, chocolate bunnies and other pieces. You can’t even imagine how different these baskets may be! From just folding fabric to transforming a doily into a basket! If you are good at crocheting or knitting, then you can easily use these skills for creating a basket. A string or doily basket is an original alternative to a usual woven one. Decorating a basket with silk imitating flowers or leaves is a cool thing and no skills are needed! Read the tutorials below to find out how to do that.
Knitted mini Easter basket (via foodnservice).
Silk flower basket (via shelterness).
Mini crochet basket (via cherishedbliss).
Fabric Easter baskets (via nalleshouse).
Colorful fabric basket (via shelterness).
Recycled bunny basket (via triedandtrueblog).
Crocheted twine basket (via lillaluise).
Folded fabric basket (via zakkalife).
String Easter basket (via taradennis).