Color choice for your four walls room is an important element to consider when you are decorating a room. Generally little thought is given to the fifth wall, your ceiling. Often painted white, or with a hint of a neutral color, it contributes little to the decor. But a bold ceiling can make a cool statement! We’ve already shared some original ceiling designs, and today I’d like to move on this topic and show you some real tutorials that will help you create an adorable and dreamy ceiling to complete your room décor.
Not only juicy colors but also stencils offer an inexpensive way to add visual interest to this surface. Transform your generic ceiling into an inspiring focal point with a few supplies from the craft store. First of all, have a look at your room, its colors and patterns and decide on the best color for your ceiling and what pattern you want to enliven it. If you’ve found a satisfying stencil, buy it, if not, create your own one using some special programs – feel creative!
Now, when the stencil is ready, move furniture away from the areas you will stencil. Cover the pieces and your floor with tarps or old sheets to protect them from paint splatters and spills. Position a sturdy stepladder under the ceiling where you choose to begin your stenciling.
Prepare your ceiling for stenciling. If it is not freshly painted, clean the surface with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of mild detergent and water. Rinse the remaining soapy residue with a clean cloth and fresh water.
Gather painting supplies so they are easily accessible while you work: painter’s tape, a level, your stencil, a roller, the paint of your choice. Pour the acrylic craft paint into an individual paint pan.
Position the template on the ceiling where you wish to stencil. A good idea is to start from the corner to make it comfier. Align a carpenter’s level with the edge of the template to ensure your stencil will be straight. Secure the corners of the template with painter’s tape. You can use spray adhesive and just spray the back side of the stencil, let it sit for a minute and then adhere to the ceiling too.
Dip the roller into your paint and then dab the end of the brush on newspapers to remove excess paint. The brush should be almost dry to avoid drips of paint. Apply paint to the template using an up-and-down motion with your brush. The color will look faded. Continue dabbing paint until you are satisfied with the intensity. Repeat this process until you complete the template’s pattern.
Remove the painter’s tape and lift your template from the completed section. Move it to the next area you wish to stencil. Repeat the stenciling step until you are satisfied with your embellished ceiling.
How to stencil a ceiling in a bold way (via mommyiscoocoo).
How to stencil your ceiling with cutting edge (via kristendukephotography).
How to stencil your ceiling with a sheer pattern (via blog).
How to stencil your ceiling with chevron pattern (via pbjstories).
DIY polka dot ceiling (via ourfifthhouse).
DIY geometric ceiling stenciling (via blog).
DIY damask stencil ceiling (via notjustahousewife).
DIY star stencil ceiling (via kfddesigns).
DIY ceiling corner stencil (via celebrate-creativity).