If you love cooking and can’t live without it, you probably have a lot of recipes to choose from. If you don’t want to store them only on your computer, you can go old school-style and print or write them on recipe cards, which you can exchange with your friends. To realize this idea, I’m sharing some DIY recipe cards with free printables – just choose the design you like and go make them!
Bring back the nostalgia of the pre-internet days with these free printable recipe cards! Use to store your favorite recipes or customize and gift to friends & family. The great thing about being able to type in your own recipe is that you can print off as many copies as you need so you don’t have to spend an hour hand writing 5 copies of that in-demand cookie recipe all your friends are asking you for.
DIY confetti recipe cards (via www.designeatrepeat.com).
This tutorial will not only give you a simple and cute free printable for a recipe card but will also tell you how to laminate it to preserve your favorite recipes for yours. You can design your own recipe card with your family’s go-to recipes, laminate individual cards that are special to you to keep them preserved, or you can just download the favorite recipes of the author!
DIY laminated recipe cards (via blog.consumercrafts.com).
If you are giving a baked good as a gift, a recipe card to accompany your goodies is the perfect addition! Another great gift idea would be to print out a whole bunch of cards with your favorite recipes on them, and present them all in a recipe box!
DIY recipe cards as gift tags for foodie gifts (via www.eleganceandenchantment.com).
This couldn’t be any easier! Just download and print the recipe cards. You can easily hang it on the wall, a cupboard door or wherever you feel it’s handiest during your cooking time.
DIY minimalist recipe cards to hang (via kittenhood.ro).
Yoshi’s Cookie has been a long-time favorite game of this author. These printable cards have five cookies on them, based on the designs in the game. Bake them all!
DIY recipe cards with cookie recipes (via wildolive.blogspot.ru).
Here you’ll find minimalist recipe cards that you can personalize as you want, and the good thing is that they are of a standard size, so you’ll easily put them into your recipe box. You can personalize the, of course, adding different details where you want.
DIY printable minimalist recipe cards (via almostmakesperfect.com).
Back in the day before internet, recipe cards of all colors, sizes, and handwriting filled our family recipe binder. Some were readable, while others were filled with scribbled text of family and friends. Although that binder still houses some of these ancient writings, it also now houses a plethora of Arial 12pt, computer printed recipes. Print these cute cards and fill them – write on the computer or with a pen!
DIY colorful recipe cards (via www.designeatrepeat.com).
These cool and comfy recipe cards in red also have matching gift tags, so it will be a great gift to anyone you love. And of course, you should definitely make some for yourself, get inspired!
DIY letterpress recipe cards (via damasklove.com).
These simple and cute cards are done in calm shades of yellow and blue with covers. Actually, you can substitute the covers for different ones if you want, for example, for food photos. The cards are pretty simple and will help you to memorize all the recipes you love.
DIY printable recipe cards in yellow and blue (via www.aplacefortwiggs.com).
These botanical-inspired recipe cards look rather vintage-inspired, there are flowers and leaves and twigs printed. You can change the colors if you want or leave them as they are.
DIY vintage printable recipe cards (via placeofmytaste.com).