Valentine’s Day is one of the favorite kids holidays, and it’s not surprising. Parents often organize parties, and at school they have fun, too. Kids also need some favors and gifts to give to each other to show emotions and feel grown ups. Today we’ve gathered a bunch of Valentine’s Day cards that you can DIY with your kids so that they could greet each other. You can print some pics of your kids and write or paint something, or just make a cool card with paper and cardboard. You can also incorporate small cute gifts into the cards – candies, lollipops or toys. Read the tutorials below to find out how to.
Ruler valentine (via relocatedliving).
Kiss valentine (via meandmyinsanity).
Love bug valentine (via dandee-designs).
Heart breaker valentine (via danamadeit).
Crafted valentines (via www2).
Crayon valentine (via thelongthread).
Monster valentine (via makeandtakes).
Bold candy valentine (via mermag).
Robot valentine (via lisastorms).
Shaving cream valentine (via modernparentsmessykids).
Magnifying glass valentine (via dandee-designs).
Ribbon valentine card (via alisaburke).
Photo card (via designmom).